Read ==== Reading SQLAlchemy models in views is simple. Model List View --------------- .. seealso:: * :py:class:`` The ``ModelListView`` allows you to render templates with paginated (or not) lists of model objects. .. code-block:: python from flask.ext.velox.views.sqla import read from yourapp.models import Model class MyView(read.ModelListView): model = Model template = 'list.html' The context returned to the template is as follows: * ``model``: The SQLAlchemy model class * ``objects``: List of objects returned from query * ``pagination``: Pagination object or ``None`` Pagination ~~~~~~~~~~ ``Flask-SQLAlchemy`` gives us pagination if we want it, by default ``paginate`` is ``True`` and the number of records is limited to 30, but this can all be changed and configured. No Pagination ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python class MyView(read.ModelListView): model = Model template = 'list.html' paginate = False Set records per page ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python class MyView(read.ModelListView): model = Model template = 'list.html' per_page = 10 Example Template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are some example templates. Without Pagination ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: html+jinja With Pagination ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: html+jinja {% if objects.has_prev %}<< Newer Objects{% else %}<< Newer Objects{% endif %} | {% if objects.has_next %}Older Objects >>{% else %}Older Objects >>{% endif %} Changing context name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you do not wish ``objects`` to be used as the context name for your object list you can change this be defining a ``objects_context_name`` attribute on the class, for example: .. code-block:: python from flask.ext.velox.views.sqla import read from yourapp.models import Model class MyView(read.ModelListView): model = Model objects_context_name = 'foos' template = 'list.html' In this case ``foos`` will be used instead of ``objects`` in the template. Model Table View ---------------- The table model view is almost exactly the same as ``ModelListView`` so we won't tread the same ground. This view allows us to specify the columns we want to render in our table which relate to field names in the model: .. code-block:: python from flask.ext.velox.views.sqla import read from yourapp.models import Model class MyView(read.ModelTableView): model = Model template = 'list.html' columns = ['field1', 'field2', 'field3'] paginate = False The context returned to the template is as follows: * ``model``: The SQLAlchemy model class * ``objects``: List of objects returned from query * ``pagination``: Pagination object or ``None`` * ``columns``: List of columns to render * ``column_name``: Function to make the column name humanized * ``format_value``: Function to format a fields value Template Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: html+jinja :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 5, 13 {% for column in columns %} {% endfor %} {% for object in objects %} {% for column in columns %} {{ format_value(column, object) }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{{ column_name(column) }}
We won't go into detail about how ``column_name`` and ``format_value`` work here but you can check the :doc:`/api` for more details: * :py:meth:`` * :py:meth:`` Pagination operates exactly the same as ``ListModelMixin``. Object View ----------- The ``ObjectView`` functions like the list views above however simply returns a single object to the template. Please read the ``SingleObjectMixin`` documentation which explains how an object is retreived. .. seealso:: * :py:class:`` * :py:class:`flask_velox.mixins.sqla.object.SingleObjectMixin` .. code-block:: python from flask.ext.velox.views.sqla import read from yourapp.models import Model class MyView(read.ObjectView): model = Model template = 'detail.html' The context returned to the template is as follows: * ``model``: The SQLAlchemy model class * ``object``: The object Example Template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: html+jinja {{ }} {{ object.description }} Changing context name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As with the list views you can change the context name used for accessing the object in the template by setting an ``object_context_name`` attribute on the view class: .. code-block:: python from flask.ext.velox.views.sqla import read from yourapp.models import Model class MyView(read.ObjectView): model = Model template = 'detail.html' object_context_name = 'foo' In the above view ``foo`` will be returned to the template for accessing the object rather than ``object``.